禅功柔拳 · Chan Gong Rou Quan, also known as Soft Fist is a great art, which constantly develops the physical and vital energy reserves available to the human body and in conjunction with the Five Skills [Chin .: wǔgōng 五 工], allows strides to anyone wishing to develop his skills in concentration, balance and deep relaxation.
These five skills are: Mian, Lian, Yuan, Guan and Quan.
Skill Mian [Chin .: mián 棉], means to look like cotton, that is very soft, very relaxed and very calm. This does not entirely cover the meaning as silk. Taking energy as silk as it really is, we mean the principle of the eight qualities. That is the burden of energy to be shared, stability, focus, softness, lightness, relaxation and simultaneously strength and perfect silence. This is the main reason why the Soft Fist - Rou Quan is suitable for ages over 40 years old, because it does not require much strength. The strength required is internal only.