Just Mustard - Still (Official Video)

“Still“ taken from the new album, Heart Under, out 27 May on Partisan Records: #justmustard #still #heartunder FOLLOW: CREDITS: Label: Partisan Records Production Company: OB Management @obmanagement Directors Representation: OB Management @obmanagement EP: Sam Holmes OB Producer: Marija Djikic @ Eye Model: Vanessa Joy Brigman Director: Balan Evans @ Producer: Ella Woollgar @ellawoogs Runner: Abra Thompson DoP: Oliver Schofield @o_o_oliver Projectionist / Gaffer: Matthew Button Projection assistant: Maurice Button MUA: Ivan Ivanov Medic: Richard at Airmedic @airmedicu.k Editor: Dylan Friese-Greene @dylanfriesegreene Colour: Andi Chu @andikdc @blackkitestudios Colour Producer: Jade Denne LYRICS: I’m inside it,
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