The spirit of Taira no Atsumori recounts his death at the battle of Ichi-no-tani, and confronts his killer (the monk Rensho.) Realizing that they are no longer enemies, he reaches peace and forgiveness.
Final scene from the takigi noh performance of “Atsumori,“ August 3, 2012, Bloomsburg Town Park as part of the Noh Training Project. Featuring participants of the Project and Theatre Nohgaku members.
2 years ago 00:04:33 34
Atsumori (敦盛): Final Scene
3 years ago 00:08:34 3
薩摩琵琶「敦盛」 Biwa est un instrument Atsumori - Histoire d’un
3 years ago 01:33:02 15
能 敦盛 Nō: Atsumori (Full Japanese Noh play “Atsumori“)