CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 7.3 - Stacking layers of a GNN
Jure Leskovec
Computer Science, PhD
Having defined a GNN layer, the next design step is how to stack GNN layers together. To motivate different ways of stacking GNN layers, we first introduce the issue of over-smoothing that prevents GNNs learning meaningful node embeddings. We learn 2 lessons from the problem of over-smoothing: (1) We should be cautious when adding GNN layers; (2) we can add skip connections in GNNs to alleviate the over-smoothing problem. When the number of GNN layers is small, we can enhance the expressiveness of GNN by creating multi-layer message / aggregation computation, or adding pre-processing / post-processing layers in the GNN.
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2 years ago 00:27:07 1
CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture Walk Approaches for Node Embeddings