Congratulations 4th place in weekly German hit chart! David Garrett Iconic

Special concert 12th Nov. 2022 Ancore At the swimming pool of hotel Oderberger Robert Schumann - 🇺🇸 scenes from childhood , op. 15 - vii. 🇩🇪 7. Träumerei , Kinderszenen Schumann told his wife Clara that the “thirty small, droll things“, most of them less than a page in length, were inspired by her comment that he sometimes seemed “like a child“. He described them in 1840 as “more cheerful, gentler, more melodic“ than his earlier works. He compsed 30 pieces during 1837 and 1938. And his selected 13 pieces was published in 1840 at Reipzig. Movement No. 7 of the work, Träumerei, is of Schumann’s best known pieces; 🇺🇸 it is the opening and closing musical theme of the 1947 Hollywood film Song of Love, 🇩🇪 Träumerei is the title of a 1944 German biographical film on Schumann. 🇷🇺 a hummed choral a cappella version became known as mourning music, being played annually during the Minute of Silence on Victory Day. 🇬🇧 In 2021, violinist Fenella Humphreys released an arrangement of Träumerei for violin.
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