Morfonica with double violin? Oyu-chan interrogated

Oyu-chan is the newcomer in seiyuu industry and Hikasa baba already taken a huge interest as her new junior. That’s where the questions led us, the possibility of seeing Ayasa and Oyuchan as violinist duo, I want to see that. Source :: From left to right: Itou Miku (伊藤 美来) | Tsurumaki Kokoro (弦巻 こころ) Toyota Moe (豊田 萌絵) | Matsubara Kanon (松原 花音) Nishio Yuka (西尾 夕香) | Hiromachi Nanami (広町 七深) Hikasa Youko (日笠 陽子) | Udagawa Tomoe (宇田川 巴)
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