Salomé (1923) with original Soundtrack by Mike Frank

In October of last year I watched a documentary called ’Sunset Strip’, which details the short history of a small area in West Hollywood famous for its past and present residents and all the crazy things that may or may not have occurred there. During the film it mentioned a movie star named Alla Nazimova, who at her peak was the highest paid actress at Metro Pictures. It also showed extracts from her most notable endeavour, ’Salomé’. These short clips instantly struck me as incredible and I knew in an instant I had to have some kind of involvement with the film. Time travel was obviously out of the question, but I had been wanting for a while to score an entire film, and Salomé was the perfect opportunity for this. Lack of dialogue and original sound meant I could start with a fresh canvas and do whatever the hell I liked with it, however I did set myself a few rules. Musically I wanted to create something that used the traditional orchestral instruments available at the time
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