#1: “Neversink Drake 2017“ Extended Body Mayfly with EVA Foam - Camper Van Fly Tying Bench

How to tie extended body may fly with EVA foam which serves very effective imitation for drake and its equivalent large mayflies that are essential in lake fishing and evening hours in rivers. This fly is not only a perfect imitation for large mayfly, but it stays afloat having EVA foam body while impress fish with the presence of CDC wings deflecting UV light. Proven on rainbow trout, brown trout, and cherry salmon. 1. Material: Hook: Gamakatsu B11-B #10 Thread: Semperfli Nanosilk 12/0 White (not Beige as I said in video) Tail: Pheasant Tail, 3 strands Body: EVA Foam 2-3mm Beige (or simila...r fly foam) Thorax Base: Fly-Rite Dry Fly Dubbing Cahill Tan Thorax Hackle: Metz Premium Cock Neck Hackle Golden Badger Wings: CDC natural dun, 3 plumes 2. How to Present This Fly: - Add powder floatant to CDC wing to improve UV light deflection of the wing which is the essential part of this pattern - If imitating dun, present the fly softly on top water with enough
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