Monoverse Ableton Quick Tip: Trigger volume/filter plugins w/ MIDI (avoid PDC issues)

Subscribe for more ableton tutorials in the future! here is the first of hopefully many ableton tutorials i’ll be doing. in this video i cover how to route midi to plugins such as LFOTool, Nicky Romero’s Kickstart, or Fabfilter’s Volcano to trigger envelopes and filters. really useful for avoiding ableton’s issues with plugin delay compensation as well as layering sounds. subscribe for future uploads and feel free to post suggestions on what i should cover for tutorials in the future ;) notes: - hotkey to view input/output is ctrl alt i (windows) - you can enable LFOTool’s MIDI triggering with ’Note Retrigger’ enabled in the options on the left - not sure why the software i used automatically zoomed in, sorry! - i recommend keeping your midi trigger channels grouped together at the bottom of your project for simplicity ▼ Follow Monoverse:
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