5 Easy Ways to Conquer Exam Stress

The exam season can take a toll on our minds and bodies, leaving us feeling stressed and anxious! That overwhelming feeling, however, can take over your body and affect your chances of success. To help conquer the nerves and tackle exam preparation properly, we’ve listed some useful tips to get you through the intense season. From study tricks to breathing hacks, this video covers the most essential tricks to help you prepare for the challenge ahead. Looking for more advice? Check out: #examstress #examstressrelief #examtips #exams #careeraddict #examtime #examstress ________________________________________________________________________ TIMESTAMPS: : Introduction 00:34 Monitoring your breathing 00:52 Exercise 01:12 Don’t overstudy 01:38 Understand what type of learner you are 02:21 Schedule some downtime _________________________________________________________________________ Follow CareerAddict onlin
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