Starbase (Early Access) - Chemosh Moon Day/Night Cycle Timelapse. First undiscovered moon visited.

#messir #messirtv #starbase Timelapse of day and night cycle on the first undiscovered moon, that was discovered in EA! It was the first landing on the undiscovered moon in Starbase Early Access! In Starbase the first player who lands on a moon - names the celestial, as a merit for his exploration achievement. This particular moon was named Chemosh by Messir, who landed there first. The game was released 29 June 21, and the journey started 2 August 21, It took 4 days to get there, and I had to make a curve around Eos in order to go straight to the moon. The journey ended 7 August 2021, when Messir jumped from the hovering ship and took a walk in the dark... Player name: Messir Ship name: Chemosh Voyager I ====== Таймлапс восхода и заката солнца на первой открытой луне, на которую прилунился эндо в Starbase! Это было первая посадка на неоткрытую ранее луну в Starbase Early Access! В игре Starbase первый игрок, который посещает луну - дает ей имя. Эта луна получила имя Chemosh. Имя игрока: Messir Имя ко
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