Hot Spots & Hot Spot Tracks - Vignette 03

This animation illustrates the breakup of Africa and South America, featuring the eruption of volcanic islands along hot spot tracks in the South Atlantic. Geographic area of interest: South Atlantic Ocean. Geological Time Interval: 200 Ma (early Jurassic) to Modern. keywords: Pangea, plate tectonics, continental breakup, eustasy, rifting, Central Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Africa, South America, Madagascar, India, Antarctica, sea floor spreading, hot spots, hot spot tracks, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, mid-ocean ridge, Scotese, animation Please cite as: Scotese, C.R., & van der Pluijm, B., 2020. Deconstructing Tectonics: Ten Animated Explorations, “Hot Spots and Hot Spot Tracks“, Earth and Space Science, 7, e2019EA000989. https://doi. org/ More Info: Anomalously hot mantle can create continental and oceanic regions at the surface that are characterized by extensive volcanic activity. These volcanic regions are thought to be due to hot, buoy
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