How India is TRAPPING China with its Military STRATEGY? : Geopolitical Case study

Make safe investments with Wint wealth and get fixed returns VIDEO INTRODUCTION: In the past 3 episodes of the Geo-political series, we saw how China started with something called the Belt and Road initiative to conquer world trade!! Now just to give you a quick recap, **Firstly China strategically used Djibouti, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Pakistan’s weak economic situation to surround India, Secondly, China spend Billions of dollars on building Oil refineries, High-speed cables, railway lines, and even gas pipelines to build an alternate trade route around India and lastly, China is building an extremely strategic railway line from London to China and another railway line from China to Iran passing through Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan to finally ending at Tehran in Iran! This is how China is literally building its own trade route to become an economic superpower!! and during this process, China intends to sur
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