ER Doctor REACTS to Your Most *EMBARRASSING* Medical Questions From Discord #5

🚨 Join my FREE Doctor ER Discord server HERE! ▶ ER Doctor Jordan Wagner is back with part 5 of a real doctor responding to your awkward medical questions and comments from Discord in this ER doctor reacts to your most embarrassing medical questions video. Today Doctor Wagner, a real life emergency physician from Experts React on Gamology will be reacting and responding to your comments from the Discord server. Doctor Wagner will be answering some of the embarrassing health questions that you’re probably scared to ask your doctor in real life. Dr. Wagner gets a lot of strange and crazy health and wellness questions on social media on his doctor reaction videos. So Doctor Wagner decided it was time to do an episode of responding to comments to get to the bottom of some medical mysteries and reveal the truth about some of the medical myths circulating on the internet. Today he talks about blindness, showering, testicles, urine, growing a beard, diet/nutr
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