Thrashock - Flags Of Hate (Full Album)

Country: Mexico Genre: Thrash Metal Release date: March 1st, 2022 Label: Inframundo Records 01. 00:00. Into The Abyss 02. 01:49. Flags Of Hate (feat. Damir Eskic) 03. 06:07. Operation Red Skull 04. 10:43. In Your Name 05. 16:18. Endless Torment 06. 19:18. Straight To Hell 07. 24:08. Apartado Del Eden 08. 28:25. The Vengeance Is Mine 09. 32:21. Asesino (feat. Carlos Alanis) 10. 35:51. Hear Me Crying We Will Rise the Flags of Hate! Mexican Thrash Metal Band with thirteen years of experience in the Mexican Metal scene. “Flags of Hate“ is 4rth album from the band! lineup Ricardo “Ripper“ Escobar - Vocals Mario Rodríguez - Guitars Eduardo Mayén - Guitars Alan Rodríguez - Bass Rockdrigo Rockdriguez - Drums All Music by Eduardo Mayén and Mario Rodríguez All lyrics by Rcardo Escobar (In Your Name lyrics by Mario Rodríguez and Ricardo Escobar) Recorded at S
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