EVENT PROGRAMS Organization of online, periodic or temporary events. CYBERNETICS AND THE HUMAN BRAIN NEUROCYBERNETICS THE ORIGINS Discovering the origins of neurocybernetics CONDITIONED REFLEXES Discovering conditioned reflexes BIRTH OF BEHAVIORISM EVERYTHING WOULD BE CONDITIONED Periodic and temporary events set and controlled with precision ( - 1 second) Announces the start and end of the event choice: Event of the period set Temporarily: A THEORY BORROWED FROM PAVLOV Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered in 1903 that gastric secretion can precede food absorption, leading to the discovery of conditioned reflexes. Conditioning involves two stimulants: an unconditional stimulus that triggers an internal reflex reaction, and a neutral stimulus that establishes a connection between the two... on the same days of the week and same times Pending the event of the period set Temporarily: THE GREAT HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY Online !!! Learn more Follow the projects: Via community tools or not, to be able to contribute to carry out its projects, such, website, blogs, social networks (Facebook and Google and VK), and video channels, You tube, Vimeo and Dailymotion, Brainwave-JCP (aka Joel Caserus), already available and online: How to support projects:
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