Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (Disco Mix Extended Version 90’s) VP Dj Duck

Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (Disco Mix Extended Version 90’s) VP Dj Duck - #discomixvpdjduck#tasminarcher#popmusic#pop90s#poprock#popdance#indie#soulmusic#funkymusic - ****************************************************************************** No Video Profit - No Copyright Profit - For promotional purposes ’’ ONLY ’’ No copyright infringement Respect the artist and subscribe to the Channel for fresh music every day! Dear copyright holders, this channel is only made to promote music to its fans and does not intend to make any profit from it. If you are not satisfied with a...ny of the uploads, please contact, before reporting the video, and it will be deleted immediately! Thanks in advance! *** Tasmin Archer *** *** Sleeping Satellite *** I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles’ flights I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry Don’t blame this sleeping satellite Did we fly to the moon too soon? Did we squander the chance? In the rush of the race The reason we chase is lost in romance And still we try To justify the waste For a taste of man’s greatest adventure I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles’ flights I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry Don’t blame this sleeping satellite Have we got what it takes to advance? Have we peaked too soon? If the world is so great Then why does it scream under a blue moon? We wonder why If the earth’s sacrificed For the price of its greatest treasure I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles’ flights I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry Don’t blame this sleeping satellite And when we shoot for the stars What a giant step Have we got what it takes To carry the weight of this concept? Or pass it by Like a shot in the dark Miss the mark with a sense of adventure I blame you sleeping satellite I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles’ flights I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry Don’t blame this sleeping satellite Don’t blame this sleeping satellite *************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************
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