Abby Louise Even Does Ears ASMR

PLEASE SHOP AMAZON-SMILE AND CHOOSE MISFITLAND TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS.. THANK YOU!! The ABSOLUTE best part of my job is the socialization of the monkeys that we rescue!! These monkeys have been raised in domesticated situations.. They grow up in a bed with Humans and of course they believe they are part of the human social group and develop human like desires like being wrapped in blankets with soft pillows and warm bodies to cuddle with just like in the wild but with a television to watch.. I LOVE getting to be a part of keeping their human desires active in their life.. However they still have that God given instinct to give affection their way and that is by grooming.. OMGOSH IT’S MY FAVORITE TYPE AFFECTION!!! I totally understand why it is such an acceptable way of showing love or saying sorry in a troop situation!! NO DOLLAR VALUE COULD BE PLACED ON THE ENERGY TRANSFER FROM ONE TO ANOTHER WHILE IT HAPPENS!! THE FEELING IS PRICELESS!! It is my job to
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