Taino and Gene Decode intel on star forts @The Galactic Talk ​

Taino with Gene Decode on star forts. Highlight video. Taino gives an intro sharing his intel on castles at Montreal and Ottawa Canada. Gene Decode shares his intel star forts and star gates. A powerful video clip starring Gene Decode & Taino on The Galactic talk. #galactictalk #thegalactictalk #genedecode ------- Galactic Talk website ---------- Video Productions by Taino El of Lemurian Ones ------- Taino with gene decode star fort, taino intel gene decode, galactic talk shows, gene decode with taino, gene decode the galactic talk, galactic talk gene decode, taino El host galactic talk, gene decode star fort, galactic talk podcast, star gate star fort, gene decode dumbs, gene decode with taino, the getty museum, star fort north america, star gates
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