Аравийский подвид африканского филина???/Arabian Spotted Eagle-owl, Bubo (africanus) milesi

Best viewed in HighDef. Saeed and I left Salalah at and headed to Wadi Darbat in the Dhofar Mountains, spotlighting for night-active animals and owls. Half-way along the flat far bit of the wadi we heard a strange screeching call on the south side of the road. We could not identify it and went by foot to locate the origin. It turned out to be an immature Arabian Spotted Eagle-owl, Bubo (africanus) milesi. We left the bird in peace and it continued to call from the same area for another hour. No adults were seen or heard. Hopefully Saeed made it back there the next night to record it; I was by then well on my way back to Dubai.
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