Iberian Magpie calling, Cyanopica cooki Song, Charneco Canto, Som Pega-azul-ibérica
Rabilargo ibérico, Pie-bleue ibérique, Blauelster
This species was been a mystery to biologists for years. How was it possible that this bird occurred in the Iberian Peninsula, in China and Japan (Cyanopica cyanus) more than 5000 miles (8000km) away? After genetic studies, and fossils found in Spain it was recently classified as a new species of bird, (Cyanopica cooki) The Iberian Magpie. In Portugal where I shot this photo this species has been increase, this species belongs to family Corvidae is a resident bird, eat soft fruits, berries, invertebrates their larvae and not hesitate to prey eggs or chicks in the nests of other birds.
Esta espécie foi um mistério para os ornitólogos durante anos. Como era possível que a espécie que ocorre na Península Ibérica fosse a mesma que existe na China e Japão (Cyanopica cyanus)? Após estudos genéticos, fo
7 months ago 02:17:52 1
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