Chaffee (M24) Light Tanks in Bougainville (Tank trials)

An Australian Army research film produced by the Military History Cinema Section and directed by G Armoured Corps on behalf of the War Office. This film was photographed during trials of the American M-24 General Chaffee Light Tank and provides a graphic illustration of the facts submitted in a report to the War Office. The tests included driving through swamp and undergrowth, steering continuously for 4 hours in low gear, mud trials along a 200 yard track with a Matilda tank used as a comparison. Recovery of a bogged Matilda tank by two M24 Chaffee tanks using a snatch block. Trench and creek crossing. Climbing trials. Armament test on Japanese style bunker using 75mm (HE) High Explosive with super quick fuse and delay fuse. Landing trials from a ALC 40 landing craft and subsequent trials negotiating the sand banks and turning on beach sand.
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