Sculpting Sally Ligthfoot Crab (Grapsus grapsus)_polymer clay_how to sculpt a crab_Life of Clay

About the Sally Lightfoot Crab  Crabs belong to subphylum crustaceans, including lobsters, shrimps, crayfish, prawns, krill, woodlice, and barnacles.  And Grapsus grapsus is one of the most common crabs found frequently along the coast of subtropical and tropical America, Africa, and Chie on the intertidal rocks. It is also known as the red rock crab, but more commonly known as the sally lightfoot crab and got its name from of its quick mobility, And it belongs to the Grapsidae family.  Predominantly feeds on algae using their spoon-shaped tipped pincers but they’re not also that picky about their food, they just graze on whatever nature’s available menu is served.  This crab runs with extraordinary speed and agility along the upright sides of rocks and has the uncanny ability to hide away in crevices to escape predation.  They are mainly solitary but can also be seen in large congregations competing for food and mates.  And males can mate
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