Ep098 Solar Variability Ignored / IPCC Mandates AGW / ^CO2 -Kosmographia The Randall Carlson Podcast
“The Randall Carlson” socials, VoD titles, tours, events, podcasts, merch shop, donate: RC and crew return to review Spring events and resume the benefits of Carbon Dioxide discussions. RC goes thru his analysis of a paper about pre-Viking societies adaptations to the fluctuating European climate, with focus on the Dark Ages Cold Period. Also from his writings for prior monthly newsletters, RC conveys how a group of solar physicists are concerned with the unwise practice of IPCC modelling climate using steady-state solar output. Record cold in the western US, and a graph of last winter’s snow cover expansion by state is being used as another factor claiming - Climate Crisis! Strange brain games are being played when everything is blamed on AGW and rising CO2 – despite its fertilization effect and reporting vast “Greening” of the planet. Oh – and Silent Mike reports 1968 is the baseline! Kosmographia Ep098 of The Randall Carlson Podcast, with Brothers of the Serpent – Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley, from 5/08/23
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Cosmic Summit ’23 (20 hours)
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Sacred Geometry introductory workshop plus lectures (14 hours)
“Plato’s Atlantis” (7 hours of deep-dive in two parts)
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Randall with Joe Rogan ep1772
RC with Graham Hancock on JRE 1897 “Ancient Apocalypse” Netflix series and new technology announcement:
Malcolm Bendall presents on MSAART Plasmoid Revolution:
Full listing of scientific papers about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis:
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Small class lectures “Cosmography 101“ from ’06-’09 on Brad’s original channel:
Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent
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ep108 with RC and Bradley:
Theme “Deos” and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty:
Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights)
with audio engineering by Kyle Allen and Chris James
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Randall Carlson, Kosmographia podcast, Younger Dryas, Catastrophe, Extinction, Apocalypse, Pleistocene, Holocene, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Crisis, Climate Change, IPCC, AGW, NOAA, Photosynthesis, megafloods, Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan, Danica Patrick, Gaia TV, Tucker Carlson, Geology, Megaflood, Great Flood, Ice Age, Glacier, Greenland, Washington, Montana, Canyon, Utah, Bonneville, Missoula, Zentner, Floodscapes, Cartography, Archeology, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Natural Disasters
00:00 Travels/Turkey/Talks
07:42 CO2 Benefits / Photosynthesis
10:50 Models Amp feedbacks w/ water vapor
14:32 pre-Viking societies’ adaptations
28:56 Ignoring Sun to fit AGW Mandate
38:30 IPCC Summary for Politicians
46:59 Boomer Generation and Before
53:40 20th Century Flux & Ice Age Cycles
1:02:21 Enhanced effect of CO2 on forest growth
1:09:16 “Significant Greening”
1:13:08 Significant Cold Season in Western US
1:18:14 Balance Effect in Nature’s Processes
1:26:36 Sherwood Idso CO2 w/ Orange Trees
1:34:06 Tours reconfigured for max FUN
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2 years ago 01:42:49 1
Ep098 Solar Variability Ignored / IPCC Mandates AGW / ^CO2 -Kosmographia The Randall Carlson Podcast