Bi-directional Evolutionary Optimization (BESO) of building (7/7)

This algorithm removes inefficiently used material based on strain energy. It was programmed in ANSYSscript and executed in finite element program ANSYS 11.0. This optimization was carried out for the thesis “Structural morphogenesis in architectural conception“ (2009) by A. Di Gaetano at the University of Rome La Sapienza, 1st Faculty of Architecture Ludovico Quaroni, Rome, Italy. The algorithm is based on earlier work by Xie (1997) and Huang (2006), while the script itself was a collaboration between A. Di Gaetano and myself, based on work for my own graduate thesis “Evolutionary Optimization of Fabric Formed Structural Elements“ (2008) at the University of Technnology in Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft, Netherlands. Copyright 2008-2009 D. Veenendaal, A. Di Gaetano
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