🌎 “Итоги недели Центральной Азии“ |AZDA TV|

---------------------------------------------------------------- Azda tv дар шабакаҳои иҷтимоӣ: ⬇️ Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Telegram: Twitter: OK: Вебгоҳ: Матлабу пешниҳод ва аксу наворҳои худро ба шумораи зер бифиристед: Whatsapp/Viber/Imo☎: 48 519 767 404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AZDO TV was established with the purpose of promoting freedom of expression, freedom of speech, democratic values, respect for pluralism, and providing a free platform for all segments of society. The project is being implemented and funded for one year with the support and assistance of the National Endowment for Democracy
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