Wall of Amps

People wanted me to upload this, so here it is. Shot from across the street by Matthew Richards. FAQ. The audio sounds like shit. No fucking shit, I don’t think any cell phone microphone is designed to handle 120 db. Your playing sounds like shit. No fucking shit, I could hardly think a coherent thought standing in front of that wall of sound. Heres a test you can do at home, get your loudest amp, and plug it into your biggest speaker cab, turn it all the way up, and sit down right in front of it, and play. Now think of that times 10x and your getting an idea. Your neighbors must love you! Yeah its in an industrial area, and I only blasted for about 5 minutes. How did you hook them up? I used 2 outputs from a tuner, an A/B box, two outputs from a stereo delay (not turned on) and slaved one AD200 to the other AD200. Lol all those amps and playing an Epiphone. That Epiphone kicks major ass, it plays and sounds better than 99% of the Gibsons I’ve played. Its a fucking champion that has been around the country, and I love it. So fuck you. I do not own all these amps, you can rent all of this gear and more through Boss Tweed Backline in Austin Texas. I play in a band called Greenbeard, also from Austin. Anymore questions in the comments, and I’ll update this FAQ as I go.
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