Dali’s Llama - Dune Lung EP 2021)
Dune Lung (EP 2021)
Dali’s Llama established 1993 in the wilds of the California desert
Nothing Special 00:00
Complete Animal 06:06
Merricat Blackwood 09:45
STD (Suits) 15:23
Four new, very heavy songs from this longtime California desert rock band! This is our 15th release in 28 years. We hope you dig it!
released March 1, 2021
Dali’s Llama are:
Zach Huskey - guitars, vocals
Erica Huskey - bass
Joe Dillon - guitars, backing vocals
Craig Brown - drums
All songs written by Zach Huskey © 2018-2021 (BMI). All rights reserved.
Track 1 recorded by Brian “Puke” Parnell; Mixed by Mikael Jacobson
Tracks 2, 3, and 4 recorded at Bassline Studios
Track 2 and 4 recorded/mixed by Mikael Jacobson & Jake Sonderman
Track 3 recorded by Mikael Jacobson
Track 3 mixed by Mikael Jacobson & Jake Sonderman