0:01 Liekehtivät Silmät
2:57 Tuhoutuvan Maan Tanssi
6:47 Tie Pimeimpään Valoon
10:42 Aionin Soihtu
14:10 Tyhjyyden Rikastama Tila
19:22 Itsensä Kruunaava Voima
23:02 Ilmestyksen Harmonia
26:58 Alttari Sydän
30:04 Kaari
33:53 Kutsu Liekkeihin
Finnish occult metal act Langenneet will release their second album Aionin Soihtu on September 29th. Aionin Soihtu focuses on the second sphere of fallen angels, on dominions, virtues and powers such as: Balam, Marchosias, Paimon, Carreau, Agares, Uzziel, Nilaihah, Ariel, Gaap and Beleth. Musically Langenneet is a combination of influences that descen
...d from dark underground metal tradition; mainly from black, death, thrash, heavy and doom metal subgenres. A CD version of Aionin Soihtu will be released by Misantropia Records and a limited edition cassette by Depressive Illusions Records. A digital version of the album will be available on all major platforms.
https://depressiveilluShow more