Taigi Demonstration: Taigi 11 (with Matt Doetsch-Kidder Sensei and Jon Poppele Sensei)

The Eastern Ki Federation is a branch of the International Ki Society with HQ in Japan (). To find a dojo in your area, please visit In Taigis, we practice basic timing with a clear Seishi (Living Calmness) and Maai (Spacing) between these standard series of Ki-Aikido arts with very clear Joge (up and down movement) with rhythm and clear connection between the nage (thrower) and the uke (person being thrown). We hope you will consider finding a class in your area so that you will be able to experience for yourself the many benefits of mind and body unification. Mind and body unification is a palpable experience just like tasting something sweet, like chocolate! That is, imagine never having experienced the sensation of sweet. The most diligent “study” (reading only) of sweetness will never compare to the direct experience of simply biting into a piece of chocolate. Once you experience how to unify your mind and body, you will be able t
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