Latvia faces shortage of drugs due to disruption of supply chains

The Baltic States are sinking deeper and deeper into the harsh post-sanctions reality. At the height of seasonal diseases, Latvia faced a shortage of drugs due to disruption of supply chains. And the Lithuanian authorities are desperate to establish diplomatic and trade relations with China. The success has turned out rather mediocre so far. Learn how they dug a hole for their Belarusian neighbors, but got there themselves - learn the details in Maria Petrashko’s author’s comment. Hi everyone! I’m Maria Petrashko - The TV News Agency. After all, sanctions hit where they did not expect them. Приложение АТН: ➡ ➡ атн/id1410677136?mt=8 ЕЩЁ БОЛЬШЕ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В НАШЕМ ТЕЛЕГРАМ- КАНАЛЕ “ATN_NEWS”: А также в социальных сетях: #belarus #news #atnbel #panorama #baltic states #lithuania #deficit #crisis #sanctions #eu #china
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