【碧音】鎖の少女-Re Alive- 踊ってみた 1080 x 1920 sm37939577

It was a video posted on the 5th anniversary of the first posting on the YT channel. It’s a song I’ve always wanted to dance for years and I really like the lyrics. When I started practicing, it was just the 10th anniversary of the song, so I danced with this version. The choreographer is a dancer I have always respected! !! She danced in a personal way, but was a girl who lived according to her parents’ orders but decided to live according to her own heart. Fortunately, she is a free-spirited parenting (?), So her parents haven’t interfered much. However, I feel that I can understand the feeling that life controlled by someone is not my own. 振付本家:仏壇仮面 様 sm11461192 素敵な原曲様 : のぼる↑ 様 sm36121402 ◆碧音(アオネ) Twitter: @AoneWakatsuki niconico mylist/59271216 踊ってみたグループ Feari^ mylist/50900389 碧音(アオネ) 12/31/2020 17:30 Views 321
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