QtDay: Back to Basics: writing a model - a workshop by Giuseppe D’Angelo, KDAB
0:00 Intro to Workshop
3:25 Beginning of Workshop
9:50 Model/View in Qt: Basic Concepts
25:28 Model Structure
48:02 QAbstractItemModel API
1:08:35 Creating a List Model
1:48:25 Handling Modifications
2:02:25 Going further (bonus slides)
This workshop by KDAB’s Giuseppe D’Angelo was presented at QtDay Italy 20. QtDay gathers Qt experts from all over the world and is entirely focused on Qt and Qt-related technologies. The event is organized by Develer.
In 2020, let’s go “back to basics”. Writing model/view code is somehow given for granted. It’s however a mandatory skill for any proficient Qt developer: professionals are supposed to be able to write robust, fast, tested models. We’ll see how together in this workshop.
Any non-trivial Qt application will feature usages of the model/view/controller framework. MVC is a well known design pattern, embracing separation of concerns between managing the data and th
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2 years ago 02:14:46 1
QtDay: Back to Basics: writing a model - a workshop by Giuseppe D’Angelo, KDAB