
云南冬天虽然也有温暖如春的太阳,但是山里没有菌子,去和种菌子的叔叔要了几个菌包来,悉心照料几天就长出了可爱的菌子,格外鲜甜肥美,清炒,炖汤,油炸统统吃一遍! 云南人吃菌子的喜爱是无可替代的,不管是山上长的还是地里种的,都能变着花样的吃,而且总吃不腻~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. In winter, though the sun shines just like that in the spring, there’s no fungus in the mountains. I asked for some fungus bags from a fungus farmer. After a few days, there grows some lovely fungi. These fungi are very sweet and tender. So I stir-fried, stewed and deep-fried them one by one. Nothing beats Yunnan
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