Tiny nanobot swarm makes in vivo human surgeries possible

Read this article online: WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF: By future standards today’s most advanced surgical techniques will look neanderthal, nanobots and nanomachines that can perform in vivo surgery are the future. A ground breaking new method of controlling nanobots that “emulates natural swarm behaviour” has been unveiled by scientists in Hong Kong in the first step in what is hoped could lead to a major medical advancement in the treatment of blood clots, and one day enable these tiny robots to perform complex in vivo surgeries within humans – something that’s been the stuff of science fiction since the sixties. Nanobots are miniscule robots or machines that are measured in nanometers, with one nanometer equivalent to just one billionth of a meter, and they can be used to complete nanoscale mechanical tasks, such as moving molecules, with precision and mobility. Led by Asso
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