Web Dev Roadmap for Beginners (Free!):
In this Typescript Objects, Arrays, Tuples & Enums basics tutorial you will learn about each of those types as well as inferred & explicit types, optional properties, type vs interface, object params and more.
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🔗 Playlist for this Typescript Course:
Typescript Objects, Arrays, Tuples & Enums | Basics Tutorial
(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:16) Getting Started
(01:13) Array Type Inference
(03:15) Array Assignment
(08:05) Array Any Type & Explicit Types
(08:27) Tuples
(12:05) Object Type
(13:59) Object Type Inference
(15:06) Object Type Annotation
(17:56) Object Assignment
(19:46) Optional Object Properties
(20:56) Object Type as a Parameter
(22:29) type vs interface
(23:51) Narrowing with Optional Properties
(26:43) Enums
📚 Suggested Pre-requisites for this Typescript course:
🔗JavaScript for Beginners full course:
📚 Tutorial References:
🔗 Typescript Official Website:
🔗 Anders Hejlsberg, Creator of Typescript and C# Interview:
🔗 Stackoverflow Survey Results: #technology-most-popular-technologies
🔗 MDN - Static Typing:
🔗 MDN - Dynamic Typing:
🔗 MDN - Type Coercion:
⚙ Web Dev Tools:
🔗 Chrome Browser:
🔗 Visual Studio Code (VS Code):
🔗 & npm:
🔗 Live Server VS Code Extension:
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#typescript #objects #arrays
1 view
5 years ago 00:06:25 39
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TypeScript от А до Я — часть 1: primitives, objects, array, types, enums, interfaces