SpaceJamsPR’s Candyman & Red Hot... Red Tiger Motaguense
This is a video I took of SpaceJamsPR’s Candyman & SpaceJamsPR’s Red Hot when I visited SpaceJamsPR in Virginia, USA. I bought some fry off of SpaceJamsPR’s Candyman & Red Hot to freshen up my motaguense stock because I knew that he had quality fish from some old blood.
Way down below is a pedigree chart of the fry.
Candyman’s parents:
Thedogmanx03’s or KCK’s Red Titan & Little Phoenix
Candyman’s grandparents:
Real Hard Cichlids Aquaitc Kennels Bam & Ms. Ruby
As far as the controversy over ’Rio Copan’ motaguense being the same or not as ’Rio Blanco’ motaguense that’s not my area of expertise. So I have to retract my statement about them being different strains. The trth is that I don’t know if they are the same or not. If I’m not mistaken though Ken Davis was one of the people who said that there is no difference between ’Rio Copan’ and ’Rio Blanco’ Red Tiger Motaguense and he is a collector who travels and brings back wild type fish so I am not going to pretend that I have done that. If he says they are the same, he is the expert when it comes in collecting and I’m not.
If you don’t really understand how to read a pedigree click this link to get an explanation . The lady is going over dog pedigree so when she says sire she means male and dam she means female.
Pedigree: _RHC’s
| Big Bully Bull
_Real Hard Cichlids Bam
| |
| |_RHC’s
(KCK’s) | Phoenix
_ DogmanX03’s--|
| Red Titan |
| |_Real Hard Cichlids
| (Wild Caught)
| _RHC’s
| | Big Bully Bull
_SpaceJamsPR’s---| |
| Candyman | _Real Hard Cichlids
| | | (RHC’s) Bam
| | (KCK’s) | |
| |_DogmanX03--| |_RHC’s Phoenix
| Little Phoenix |
| |_Real Hard Cichlids
| (RHC’s) Ms. Ruby (Wild)
fry---- (. ? )
| __Jeff Rapps
| | Wild Caught
| |
| |
Red Hot |
|__ Jeff Rapps
Wild Caught
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1 year ago 00:05:00 1
SpaceJamsPR’s Candyman & Red Hot... Red Tiger Motaguense