Муравьи съедают человека. Индиана Джонс и Королевство хрустального черепа. 2008
#ИндианаДжонс #Королевствохрустальногочерепа #ХаррисонФорд #HarrisonFord #IndianaJones #KingdomoftheCrystalSkull #ЯдерныйВзрыв #ЯдернаяБомба
Full HD 1080p.
Jones and Mutt are captured by Mac and the Soviets and taken to their camp in the Amazon jungle, where they find Oxley and Mutt’s mother, Marion Ravenwood, who reveals that Mutt is Jones’s son, Henry Jones III. Spalko believes the crystal skull belongs to an alien life form and holds great psychic power, and that finding more skulls in Akator will grant the Soviets the advantage of psychic warfare. Spalko uses the skull on Jones to enable him to understand Oxley and identify a route to Akator. Jones and his four allies escape with the skull, but Marion and Jones get caught into a dry sandpit, to be recaptured by the Soviets after Oxley accidentally brings them as assistance. On their way to Akator, Mac tells Jones he is a CIA double-agent to regain Jones’s trust, and Jones’s team fights its way out of the Soviets’ clutches
5 months ago 00:52:43 1
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7 months ago 00:14:51 1
Эти Муравьи Поедают Змеи и Скорпионов и Всё Что Движется Рядом.
7 months ago 00:01:00 4
Муравьи Салтаторы с аппетитом поедают муху. Harpegnathos saltator