Метро Чэнду и аэропорт Тяньфу | Искусство инфраструктуры | Сычуань, Китай | 4К HDR

June, 2022, by chance, I came to a metro station in Chengdu. At that time, I couldn’t stop saying “wow“ and impressed by the station for its beauty. At that time, I decided to shoot a Chengdu Metro video for everyone. ----------------------⭐⭐ Chengdu Metro System ----------------------⭐⭐ The subway is the standard configuration of top-class cities, and it is also a symbol of strength. In theory, the more subways are built in a city, the more developed the city will be. The reason is that subway construction not only has strict GDP, population, and financial thresholds, but also the construction cost and operation of subways are extremely expensive. Without a strong economy as a support, the subway would be impossible to talk about. In the past ten years, Chengdu’s urban energy level has improved significantly, and the rapid development of the city has also driven the expansion of rail transit. The Chengd
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