Чего будут стоить России союзнические отношения с Ираном
00:00 Вступление
05:52 Включится ли Турция в передел на Ближнем Востоке
11:39 Перспектива проекта Великого Турана
16:30 Чего будет стоить России союзнические отношения с Ираном
All the videos on this channel were created by me specifically for the @politekonomiya channel
All my videos contain materials protected by the fair use rules set out in section 107 of the Copyright Act. When creating such videos, I use free images and can use the green screen video with other different parts of the video for free, edit to create new sound and visual variations and effects. It takes about 1-2 hours to create these videos so that my viewers can feel the difference between the original video and the video created by me.
The audio and video sources in this video were created in such a way that the viewer gets into and sees new UNIQUE content.
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1 month ago 00:11:57 1
Сказы и были “лучшего города Земли“. История про то, как не наступать на грабли прошлых историй