Why Historical Fashion Is More Comfortable Than Modern (In My Humble Opinion)

These are the many reasons why I find historical fashion more comfortable than modern fashion. The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: With the recent release of some get ready with me style short-form content, I received hundreds of comments along the lines of “you must be so hot“ or “that looks so uncomfortable.“ As a daily wearer of historical fashion, I felt it was time to express why exactly I find historical fashion more comfortable than modern fashion, in order to break down some myths and misconceptions. Comfort isn’t necessarily just a physical thing. For me, it goes so far beyond convenience or the ability to shop for my clothing in stores. I express what exactly comfort means to me and what drives me to hand stitch my own wardrobe and wear historical clothing. As always, all of these are just my own opinions and I have nothing against modern fashion or anyone that wears it. W
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