AVOCADO FRUIT FOR WEIGHT LOSS AND SKIN CARE #shorts #drtlxavier #avocado

Dr T L Xavier Paravattani explains the health benefits of Avocado fruit. Avocado fruit is rich in antioxidants minerals and fiber. Helps lowering the Cholestrol hence protect your heart health. Rich in fiber helps control appetite so avocado is helpful for weight loss. Good for heart health. Contains antioxidant lutein which helps to control macular degeneration in old age and promotes better eye vision too. Helps reduce the arthritis symptoms like pain and swelling in the joints. Avocado fruit rich in vitamins minerals and nutrients so very good in skin care. Helps heal the wounds faster. Fiber Rich so helps control Appetit in weight loss or obesity. Dr Xavier Thaikkadan explains the following in this viral short video: Avocado nutrition benefits of eating avocado how to make your skin glow benefits of avocado fruit benefits of avocado for weight loss benefits of avocado for skin skin care routine healthy food weight loss avocado fruit for better eye vision.
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