A small comparison to eachother to compare the most prominent elements in the game. Doesn’t have literally EVERYTHING but it should outline clear differences between the games. lol.
#mirrorsedge #parkour #mods #modding #cqc #freerunning #gaming #gmod #garrysmod #beatrun #pursuitcop #catalyst #mirrorsedgecatalyst
1 view
9 years ago 00:01:57 189
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (Original Video)
12 years ago 00:07:15 281
Mirror’s Edge Original Videogame Score - Kate (Solar Fields)
7 months ago 00:03:11 1
Original Mirror’s Edge vs. Beatrun | Comparison
4 years ago 00:08:27 1
Mirrors (Original Mix)
12 years ago 00:07:18 108
Mirror’s Edge Original Videogame Score - Shard (Solar Fields)