Kozyrev Mirror’s DARK SECRET Exposed After 30 Years of Research

Explore the enigmatic realm of Kozyrev Mirrors, devices that challenge conventional physics by claiming to manipulate time and consciousness. Delve into theories involving torsion fields, quantum interactions, and biophoton amplification, which blur the boundaries between established science and the unknown. Through fascinating experiments and theoretical frameworks, this video invites you to reconsider the intricate connections between reality, perception, and subtle energies. #KozyrevMirror #TorsionFields #QuantumPhysics #BiophotonEmission #AlteredConsciousness #TimeManipulation #ExperimentalPhysics Key Points: 🔍 Introduction to Kozyrev Mirrors: Discover the origins and speculative potential of these concave mirrors, believed to influence reality through torsion fields and other subtle forces. ⚛️ Torsion Field Theory and Space-Time: Explains how spinning objects could create fields that interact with consciousness and possibly enable instantaneous information transf
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