174: Nanmu Watchmen Standing Brachiosaurus Review

The one most memorable scene from Jurassic Park for me will always be the first appearance of the Brachiosaurus as it rears up, and then settles back with a low thud. It’s such a moving moment for anyone who’s loved dinosaurs for a long time, and never imagined how real the big screen could make them be. This Nanmu limited edition standing Brachiosaurus helps with that a lot. Provided you get it undamaged or fixed, which is a big IF because this is sadly what’s happened to many collectors if you watched my last video. But putting all that aside, and forgetting it ever happened, this is a thing of beauty. Wonderfully sculpted, well-painted, and in a rearing pose that veers away from the extreme verticality of the movie into something more realistic, this Brachiosaurus is a real delight as it seems to push the JP-ness as much as it can, yet has one foot of the real. So while a wonderful reminder of the movie, it will still fit with the rest of your collection based in the real. This is v
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