Биотоп горных галаксий (Galaxias olidus). Ручей Гэп. Национальный парк Мэйн рейнж. Юго-Восточный Квинсленд
Mountain galaxias like to live in cooler waters, there are only a few populations in Queensland, this population was almost gone a few months ago due to drought, I visited this same spot and only found a few small puddles of water the size of a dinner plate, surprisingly even in these small puddles I found a few fish clinging on, the puddles had ground water flowing into them and was being replenished luckily but it didn’t look good, you wouldn’t know that from this video, after all the rain we have been having in SE Queensland they have bounced back and now there are healthy populations again.
The tadpoles in this video are from another animal under threat, the Fleay’s barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi) it has also had a tough time in resent years and is now also endangered, it is unknown why it is in decline, it’s habitat is restricted to forrest at over 600m and may be to habitat loss or some think it could be a pathogen, I will put some links bellow for these two species.
Gap Creek map c
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Бабочка Адмирал (лат. Vanessa atalanta). Октябрь 2022
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Биотоп горных галаксий (Galaxias olidus). Ручей Гэп. Национальный парк Мэйн рейнж. Юго-Восточный Квинсленд
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