4 Minute At Home Tabata Workout To Lose Weight Fast (BODYWEIGHT SPEED) | LiveLeanTV
On today’s episode of , I’m taking you through a 4 minute at home tabata workout to lose weight fast.
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This tabata workout is all about speed. We are incorporating exercises that require foot speed and overall cardio and core conditioning.
That’s right, during this tabata workout, we’ll be moving quickly from speed squats, to jump burpee push ups, to mountain climbers, to high knee taps. If you have a jump rope, you can replace high knee taps with the high knees jump rope.
Here’s how this 4 minute at home tabata workout to lose weight fast is structured:
Total time:
4 minutes.
Type of workout:
Tabata workout:
- 20 seconds of work
- 10 seconds rest
After the 20 second work interval, take a 10 second rest, then complete another 20 second work interval, etc.
Number of circuits:
2 circuits.
A1. Speed Squat
Reps: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Coaching cues: This exercise is all about speed. Drive through your heels and use your arms for momentum. Focus on keeping your core engaged by flexing your abdominals and really give it all you got.
A2. Jump Burpee Push Up
Reps: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Coaching cues: This full burpee variation includes both the jump and the push up. If the jump burpee push up is too difficult, modify it by removing the push up and just completing the jump burpee. But try to push yourself.
A3. Mountain Climbers
Reps: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Coaching cues: Mountain climbers are a great cardio exercise that also hit the lower abs. Get down on the ground on all fours and focus on keeping your spine in a neutral position by engaging your core and sucking in your belly.
A4. High Knee Taps
Reps: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Coaching cues: If you have a jump rope, you can replace high knee taps with the high knees jump rope. If you’re doing high knee taps, focus on bringing your knees up really high. To ensure you’re bringing them high enough, place your hands in front of your body, then tap your knees to your hands. Also, suck in your belly and keep your core strong.
Great job. That’s one one round. The finish line is so close. Rest 10 seconds, then complete one more round, starting with speed squats.
When should you complete these 4 minute tabata workouts?
Use this 4 minute at home tabata workout to lose weight fast, as a workout finisher at the end of your resistance training workout, or immediately after you wake up in the morning.
By incorporating more of these tabata workouts into your daily routine, you’ll be burning fat more efficiently, throughout the day and night.
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4 Minute At Home Tabata Workout To Lose Weight Fast (BODYWEIGHT SPEED) | LiveLeanTV
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