A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University with the organizational support of Shakti Dance studio, Kostanay led by Ms. Ainur Uteshova, a series of Indian dance master classes were conducted by SVCC Kathak Dance Teacher cum Performer Ms. Vidyagauri Adkar in Kostanay city from 20-22 February 2023, culminated with a cultural programme at the auditorium of the University. Director SVCC called on Zharlygasov Zhenis Bakhytbekovich, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Digitalization to discuss various opportunities of academic cooperation and the special interaction with extended & informative Q&A session were conducted with students of the University aspiring to avail of academic scholarship opportunities of ICCR for their academic excellence
@ICCROfficial @indiainkazakhstan4938 @baitursynovuniversity1939 @user-ds9ry6mh2z @Kostanaynews