We went down to a local watering hole to hear some songs from our new friend, Tre Burt, in town from California. This song of his, beyond just haunting my brain for the past couple weeks, was on his album recently re-released by our hometown heroes, Oh Boy Records, founded by none other than the legendary John Prine. Tre told us one touching/surreal story of playing a recent show, up on stage trying his best to put on a good performance, only to be heckled by Prine himself. “Play number 4!“, he was calling out from the front row. Can’t imagine who i’d rather be heckled by, but can you imagine that? I don’t think this’ll be the last we hear from Tre.
Tre writes poetry that speaks for itself. He’s a off-beat dude, reminds me of Spike from Cowboy Bebop, or Jeff `The Dude’ Leboswki. Sunglasses on, always with a hand-rolled cigarette, barely in-hand. I’d like to learn more about him, hear some more songs. This won’t be the last.
This song in particular feels pertinent for 2020. “It just don’t feel right, to feel
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