IWC/New Superstar Showdown 2 ()

1. Team Dupree (Chase Gold, Jaxon Argos, Jock Samson & RC Dupree) vs. Team Nasty (Andrew Palace, Bulk Nasty, Jack Pollock & John McChesney) 2. Derek Dillinger (c) vs. Dirty Dango (IWC Super Indy Title Street Fight) 3. Matt Taven vs. Flip Gordon vs. Anthony Young 4. Bill Collier vs. Elijah Dean 5. Dan Maff (c) vs. Spencer Slade (NEW Heavyweight Title Match) 6. Erick Redbeard vs. Wrecking Ball Legursky 7. Thunder Rosa vs. Katie Arquette 8. Jason Tyler vs. Tito Oric 9. TME (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones Jr.) (c) vs. The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) (IWC Tag Team Title Match)
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